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I am one of those unfortunate adults who has chicken pox. As I searched the web for information it became apparent that much of the information is about children sufferers and very little about adult sufferers. I will not be posting any pictures since I think we all know that chicken pox sufferers look spotty!

I hope this blog will be helpful for other sufferers.

I would also like to add I am not a doctor, and therefore always seek qualified medical advice.


Wow, thanks for sharing and creating this blog. I too have suffered severely from the chicken pox and have overcome it, now fortunate enough to help others.

Good luck and keep it up! Great blog.
Anonymous said…
Just want to say thank you to the Author for creating this Blog. I had to deal with the Chicken Pox while working abroad on my own. This Blog helped a great deal to keep me calm as I was able to predict to some degree how the virus would come and go. Thank you!
Anonymous said…
I understand that this blog was written few years back but up to now it is still very helpful. I'm an adult who's currently suffering from chicken pox and to be honest, aside from its irritable itchiness, I am more concerned and bothered with how and when the scars, dark spots would completely go away. Thank you for journaling the day by day stages and development of your chickenpox experience. It actually lessens my depression. Hoping for fast recovery from this virus. Thanks again for your blog!! Keep writing! Kudos!
Anonymous said…
I understand that this blog was written few years back but up to now it is still very helpful. I'm an adult who's currently suffering from chicken pox and to be honest, aside from its irritable itchiness, I am more concerned and bothered with how and when the scars, dark spots would completely go away. Thank you for journaling the day by day stages and development of your chickenpox experience. It actually lessens my depression. Hoping for fast recovery from this virus. Thanks again for your blog!! Keep writing! Kudos!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for writing this blog! Its still helping in 2014! It's true, most of the stuff Ive read doesn't tell you about the pain and the swelling and this has really helped me keep calm. Thanks again!
Pree leee said…
Really thoughtful to write. I am also suffering from this since 6 daz, but crusting has still not started :(
Pree leee said…
Very helpful diary. I am too suffering from this since 6 days but crusting has still not started. I am worried coz my mariage date is fixed after 5 days. Hope it doesn't left scars.
Pree leee said…
Very helpful diary. I am too suffering from this since 6 days but crusting has still not started. I am worried coz my mariage date is fixed after 5 days. Hope it doesn't left scars.
This blog is really very helpful, thanks for sharing this information
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