Had a good night slept through to 7am, but got up once at 3am sweating, but fell back to sleep. Scalp feeling much better. Face still a little itchy but the sores are scabbing over nicely. No new sores that I have noticed. Been feeling ok, still eating well, drinking lots of juice. Everyday been oberving my oral hygiene routine which is important. Sores on gums and in mouth meant needed to be very gentle. And also been using an antibacterial mouthwash [Please seek your medical advice always].
Cough seems to be dying down a bit too, throat seems to be getting better too.
10:15 Body temp 36.9C (98.4F) Feeling ok, showered gently washing hair gently with baby shampoo. Did not use any soap on body and have not since getting chickenpox.
19:00 Have tickle in throat and chesty cough again!
Cough seems to be dying down a bit too, throat seems to be getting better too.
10:15 Body temp 36.9C (98.4F) Feeling ok, showered gently washing hair gently with baby shampoo. Did not use any soap on body and have not since getting chickenpox.
19:00 Have tickle in throat and chesty cough again!