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Day 4

02:00 Woke up with an acute feeling of nausea. Went to the bathroom and vomited a little. My body was burning, and I was soaked. Then I couldn't get up from the bathroom floor, arms and legs were numb. Chest was aching, dry cough getting worse.

03:00 Went to casualty dept of local hospital where they checked me out, did an ECG etc. All was well. Reason for the episode was due to elevated temperature, should have taken a paracetamol before sleeping with some milk.

08:00 Slept for 2 hrs, feeling better (no fever). Still covered in spots and boils, some on legs too, some in mouth. Will get some anti-bacterial mouth wash. Had another bath with bicarbonate soda.

16:00 Had something to eat. Apart from the pain and itching of the sores spirits are up.

17:00 Took a bicarb bath, again not sure if this helps. After bath dabbed calamine lotion with cotton wool all over sores. Feels great for about 3 mins while cold then itching returns.

19:00 More and more sores appearing. The trunk, upper arms, upper thighs, back also getting more sores.

21:00 Tried to sleep, slept for about 2 hours, but then after that face and scalp were on fire,and only got 10 mins sleep here and there.

In early hours noticed that initial blisters and crusted over but new ones keep appearing.


mayiara said…
So Day 4 appeared to be pretty hard on you. Last night (between Days 3 and 4) was not great, but so far I've not had sound sleep anyhow. I've had to get up to go to the bathroom (due to increased uptake of liquids) and also to reapply Tiger Balm and other anti itch medication. I slept poorly enough in the evening that I slept all morning long until a work conference call at 13:00. Though I've remained mostly clear headed (no fever/headache, mild sore throat), I still wasn't great about being productive. But itch wise, I think I have figured out that hydrocortisone does work for me and at least in the afternoon and evening, physical discomfort was minimal. Maybe I'm just getting used to it. I do look pretty scary though, with the zit looking bumps and the 4 bumps with large scabs... this will be quite interesting to see in the next days. In the last two days took 2 baths/day a bit out of desperation itching. To-day I am still about to take my 1st bath...
Anonymous said…
Day 4 is the worst bad fever..can't walk..sweat broke and then recovered strength and able to eat again. The burning agonising pain on my face and scalp is less as the blisters...hundreds of them break out all over my face, Nothing except panadeine forte relieves the pain.Blisters on my body are not painful...just itchy.Worried about the pneumonia and encephalitis associated with chickenpox. Did you all get the antiviral drug. i didn't.
DiddlyO said…
Fever was bad last night, couldn't get it below 38 even with medication. Woke up and my temp is normal. But I am seriously covered in spots. More in my mouth and many many more in my genital area. They are starting to develop on my legs and hands too. I have a scratchy throat and I think I probably have pox down into my throat. They are on my eyelids and inside my ears.
Started taking garlic and vitamin c.
This is just awful.
Anonymous said…
Im 23y/o and on day 4 and the blisters are itchy af esp on the chest and back. No fever already but my throat is still sore. Its also painful on the left side at the back of my head. My nurse sister said its probably the lymph nodes since im fighting a viral infection. The blisters on my face are what depresses me though. I look like shit. I also got some sores on my gums but theyre not painful. I wouldnt wish this even on an enemy. Chicken pox is a bitch

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