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Day 1

It was the afternoon. I had been working at my computer most of the day. My neck was starting to ache. I just assumed that was due to the fact I was looking down at my computer. When I got home, my body was aching, and I felt hot and feverish. I could feel my lymph nodes at the back of my neck were swollen. My arms were aching too. I thought to myself that I was coming down with a cold or the flu. I just took some pain killers and went to bed.


mayiara said…
Hi, brilliant idea! I'll post my comments each day as I live through them so that we can see at least two disease progressions. I just started on Sunday... what i remember is that i was reading in a bookstore sitting on an armchair... and a guy was looking at me because i was unattractively absentmindly scratching what i thought was a mosquito bite from a cookout the previous day. that's my earliest memory..
mayiara said…
i forgot--i went to bed and saw some zits on my face and put some acne meds on it to dry them up.. was thinking that i was really eating poorly bc it seemed like a greater outbreak than the usual one or two at the same time...
DiddlyO said…
I knew I was going to get them. I'm nearly 40 and looked after a friends son for the night. When I was getting them ready for bed I saw he had chicken pox. I called my friend to come and get him but I figured I would either get it from him or my kids would and then I would catch it from them.
I did some reading so I could catch it early.
Wednesday afternoon I had the same kind of feeling as you - just felt awful, aches all over, bad headache, sore glands in the back of my head and nausea. I went to work but came home at lunch and went to bed. Found maybe 2 spots but only because I went looking.
Unknown said…
I would like to share my experience as well. It was a Sunday night,I just snapchatted a picture with the #HateMondays!! Monday mornings mark the beginning of the week and there is new work assigned.I expected it to a usual Monday,but fate had something else instored for me.I woke up to a few boils on my face and stomach.
I thought it was a minor skin infection,so I decided to go to work.My body was really weak and I could barely manage to stand,but then I thought once I get to work I would be fine.
So as planned,I went to office.Worked from morning to evening,until I started feeling extreme weakness.Also,the boils on my stomach were getting me really worried.
I decided to leave early from work and go see a doctor.Getting home was difficult not only because of the traffic but also because my mind was occupied with so many negative thoughts.
I started googling about the symptoms and checking if I had them too.
Later in the evening,I saw a doctor and he confirmed it was chickenpox.I was so sad and felt terrible.Along with the sorrow of being infected came a long list of medicines.
The saddest part is that I had got the vaccination as a child.But then something's are not in our control.
Juan C. said…
Day 1 - I am feeling flu symptoms so I got a Panadol and go to the office. I am working abroad in Kenya and I notice some allergy like symptoms in my chest. I thought it was the hotel soap or something and just send to the office.
wonderful, interesting, and informative. this blog is awesome
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