Woke up feeling feverish. Took temperature, 38.8C (102F). However, still went to work. Kept feeling hot and cold throughout the day. Neck was still aching. Had a bit of a dry cough. When I got home I was feeling terrible. Was taking pain killers throughout the day. Took a hot water bottle to bed. Had a itchy scalp but didn't make too much of it. In the night woke up in a severe sweat, but fell asleep again.
A good night sleep, took no pain killers before bed. Felt pretty good most of day. A slight cough. Scalp and face mildly itchy but largely scabbing over now. Few yellow liquid filled boils on body, they were the late comers. Still spending time in bed relaxing. Had a shower, washed hair with baby shampoo, but body with water. After shower filled sink with warm water, and add Olay mild face wash and dabbed face lightly using a flannel. Felt great after. Lots people giving advice not to pick or scratch the scabs or they will scar. Whenever I get a itch that's unbearable i gently touch the spot and itch usually goes away.
In that moment I tied everything and went to see a doctor. He looked at my chest ( then I noticed it was bad) and said firmly: “ this is a clear case of chicken pox.
And that is how it started, my chicken box adventure locked in a hotel in Kenya.
I wasn’t ver
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