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Day 2

Woke up feeling feverish. Took temperature, 38.8C (102F). However, still went to work. Kept feeling hot and cold throughout the day. Neck was still aching. Had a bit of a dry cough. When I got home I was feeling terrible. Was taking pain killers throughout the day. Took a hot water bottle to bed. Had a itchy scalp but didn't make too much of it. In the night woke up in a severe sweat, but fell asleep again.


mayiara said…
woke up... was supposed to meet up with a couple of friends but hadn't made specific plans. when i changed, saw the bumps all around my trunk and it freaked me out. immediately thought allergic reaction--a food? sheets? boyfriend? called on call nurse who said contact dermititis based on some algorythm--the odd thing is that i didn't have any fever or headache at all, what luck. when i saw my friend he said--i shouldn't have hugged you, bc that looks like chicken pox (people do get it more than once). basically felt fine so hung out with the friends sitting outside--at a distance--and chatting
DiddlyO said…
Stayed home from work and kept my son home from day care my blisters are bigger and I have many more today. Fever 38.2 but easily controlled. Feel just awful if the pain medication wears off. Neck still very sore. Unable to sleep. Eating is no problem. Itch bearable.
Juan C. said…
The scalp is super itchy, but again, I blame it on the hotel. The flu symptoms are there so I got a couple of Pandols and make my way to the office. After sitting on my desk, my colleague kindly notes that I have some red spots on my face ( Dude, you are going back to puberty, your face is f*^%#!!!!).

In that moment I tied everything and went to see a doctor. He looked at my chest ( then I noticed it was bad) and said firmly: “ this is a clear case of chicken pox.

And that is how it started, my chicken box adventure locked in a hotel in Kenya.

I wasn’t ver
great info. Will be useful for all. Keep posting .
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