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Day 8

A good night sleep, took no pain killers before bed. Felt pretty good most of day. A slight cough. Scalp and face mildly itchy but largely scabbing over now. Few yellow liquid filled boils on body, they were the late comers. Still spending time in bed relaxing. Had a shower, washed hair with baby shampoo, but body with water. After shower filled sink with warm water, and add Olay mild face wash and dabbed face lightly using a flannel. Felt great after.

Lots people giving advice not to pick or scratch the scabs or they will scar. Whenever I get a itch that's unbearable i gently touch the spot and itch usually goes away.


mayiara said…
OK, this is my last post... it's a Sunday and I'm trying to make up for the sluggish work I got done last week. Basically I might have had a few more bumps pop up 2 days ago but for the most part, 99% of them are already scabs. It's been hard to not pick at them only because I catch myself doing so absent mindedly (not bc of itch). There is one big one on my head that I keep forgetting about because when applying Tiger Balm (more out of habit now than need), I'll forget and a short nail will find it, and it hurts. I promised myself I'd go on my long run today if I got enough work done, but looks like a no go so far.

I'll take the theory that I had a reinfection, since everything's been very mild. In the end, I was on OTC antihistamines for only 3 days or so (I simply forgot to continue), I'm still using either calamine or hydrocortisone after the shower and/or in the morning... and there really were 2 "unbearable" itch days max...

Anyhow, happy healing and may you experience deep insights on life during your sick days...
mayiara said…
Oh, and just so it doesn't seem like it was a complete piece of cake for me... I had interrupted sleep (up every 2 hours) for 3 nights, then slept for 6 hours the following night bc of a work conf call. So it *is* disruptive on normal rest.
Doc said…
Dear Mayiara, thanks for all your posts, hope you found this blog helpful, and thanks for posting your experience, I am sure it will help many people too. Hope you are feeling better.
eye lift said…
After suffer from adult chickenpox almost a week you should have habit of it. I feel good after reading you feel some good time at eight day.
Anonymous said…

Here's my experience.. thnks for sharing!
Vibha13 said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
veins said…
I could have had a few bumps pop up two days ago, but more importantly, 99% of them have scabs. It was hard not to get them just because I find myself missing it be targeted. There is a big on my head I keep forgetting, because when they use Tiger Balm, I would forget and a short nails will find it and it hurts.
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