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Showing posts from January, 2008

Day 10

You may have noticed that I skipped a day. Well, there wasn't really anything new as such to report. So I will only being reporting back periodically now until I am fully well again. Sleeping very well now. There are only a small number of spots left which are still yellow and need to scab over. They are not painful at all. Face is healing in that all the spots have scabbed over and am now waiting for them to fall off. Some of the ones in my beard have fallen of as I rub my hand through my beard (can't wait to shave it off). A scab on my cheek got soft while showering yesterday and as I was dabbing my self dry it came off. A smaller red scab is now forming there. Hope it doesn't scar. The scalp is also full of scabs now and when I run my hands through my hair the odd one falls off. The face and scalp are still a little itchy but I am not scratching them with my nails or digging at them. Sometimes I gently touch an itchy one with pad of my finger to relieve the itch. Cough h...

Day 8

A good night sleep, took no pain killers before bed. Felt pretty good most of day. A slight cough. Scalp and face mildly itchy but largely scabbing over now. Few yellow liquid filled boils on body, they were the late comers. Still spending time in bed relaxing. Had a shower, washed hair with baby shampoo, but body with water. After shower filled sink with warm water, and add Olay mild face wash and dabbed face lightly using a flannel. Felt great after. Lots people giving advice not to pick or scratch the scabs or they will scar. Whenever I get a itch that's unbearable i gently touch the spot and itch usually goes away.

Day 7

Had a good night slept through to 7am, but got up once at 3am sweating, but fell back to sleep. Scalp feeling much better. Face still a little itchy but the sores are scabbing over nicely. No new sores that I have noticed. Been feeling ok, still eating well, drinking lots of juice. Everyday been oberving my oral hygiene routine which is important. Sores on gums and in mouth meant needed to be very gentle. And also been using an antibacterial mouthwash [Please seek your medical advice always]. Cough seems to be dying down a bit too, throat seems to be getting better too. 10:15 Body temp 36.9C (98.4F) Feeling ok, showered gently washing hair gently with baby shampoo. Did not use any soap on body and have not since getting chickenpox. 19:00 Have tickle in throat and chesty cough again!

Day 6

Last night started of bad, the usual sleeplessness, irritation, itchiness, feeling sick and run down. Scalp is the worst in terms of discomfort. Took paracetamol at 03:00, have been drinking lots of liquids. Then after midnight slept for about 4 hours which was great. Was hungry throughout the night which I guess is a good thing if I still have a healthy appetite Been drinking lots water and juice too. This morning had breakfast downstairs, then decided to shower instead of a bath. The lukewarm water was great on the scalp and I also used a baby shampoo to gently wash my hair. The pox are all still yellowish with many now forming crusty yellowish scabs. More smaller reddish poxes (is that a real word?) are appearing on legs and arms with very small boils in centre but (maybe hopeful thinking) not at an accelerated rate as before. 12:40 Haven't taken paracetamol since early this morning. Haven't felt that bad except for the usual itchiness. Less tingling on skin all over too. Cu...

Day 5

Very bad night, face is so itchy. The growing beard doesn't help either. Lots more pox appearing, but some scabbing over. Temperature still high. Getting pox further down arms and torso, arms, buttocks, genitals, feet, hands, ears, mouth and I think my throat. I hate this. Can't look in mirror. On plus side have still got my appetite. Still bathing and using calamine lotion, not helping much. For my personal circumstances painkillers every 4 hours are a must since fever still there, and when they wear off I feel rough. Got the cough again, a dry chesty one. Friends and family from around the world have been calling/emailing/IM'ing, and it does give me a boost. Its amazing how many adults do get chickenpox. The stories of peoples recoveries are uplifting. Today has been the lowest day so far in this journey. Not looking forward to tonight. So tired. It is becoming very apparent that to fight this virus you need a positive mental attitude. Easier said than done. Will sign off...

Day 4

02:00 Woke up with an acute feeling of nausea. Went to the bathroom and vomited a little. My body was burning, and I was soaked. Then I couldn't get up from the bathroom floor, arms and legs were numb. Chest was aching, dry cough getting worse. 03:00 Went to casualty dept of local hospital where they checked me out, did an ECG etc. All was well. Reason for the episode was due to elevated temperature, should have taken a paracetamol before sleeping with some milk. 08:00 Slept for 2 hrs, feeling better (no fever). Still covered in spots and boils, some on legs too, some in mouth. Will get some anti-bacterial mouth wash. Had another bath with bicarbonate soda. 16:00 Had something to eat. Apart from the pain and itching of the sores spirits are up. 17:00 Took a bicarb bath, again not sure if this helps. After bath dabbed calamine lotion with cotton wool all over sores. Feels great for about 3 mins while cold then itching returns. 19:00 More and more sores appearing. The trunk, upper ar...

Day 3

Woke up in the night feeling hot and sweaty. By morning one or two pale red spots on face, and a watery boil on arm. Decided to go and see my GP. He immediately confirmed chicken pox. He told me to just ride it through since he couldn't prescribe anything for it. He suggested baths with bicarbonate soda added, paracetamol four times a day, Calamine lotion to rub on the pox and an anti-histamine to reduce the itchiness. [Remember, you must seek your own medical advice!]. By afternoon many more red marks and water boils appearing all over scalp, face, neck, arms, chest and back. Took a bath in warm water with two table spoons bicarbonate soda added. Didn't seem to do too much. Continued with paracetamol, last one was at 16h00. Went to bed at 11h00 not feeling to bad except for obvious itching (have not taken the anti-histamine yet). Couldn't sleep, was just getting comfortable.

Day 2

Woke up feeling feverish. Took temperature, 38.8C (102F). However, still went to work. Kept feeling hot and cold throughout the day. Neck was still aching. Had a bit of a dry cough. When I got home I was feeling terrible. Was taking pain killers throughout the day. Took a hot water bottle to bed. Had a itchy scalp but didn't make too much of it. In the night woke up in a severe sweat, but fell asleep again.

Day 1

It was the afternoon. I had been working at my computer most of the day. My neck was starting to ache. I just assumed that was due to the fact I was looking down at my computer. When I got home, my body was aching, and I felt hot and feverish. I could feel my lymph nodes at the back of my neck were swollen. My arms were aching too. I thought to myself that I was coming down with a cold or the flu. I just took some pain killers and went to bed.


I am one of those unfortunate adults who has chicken pox. As I searched the web for information it became apparent that much of the information is about children sufferers and very little about adult sufferers. I will not be posting any pictures since I think we all know that chicken pox sufferers look spotty! I hope this blog will be helpful for other sufferers. I would also like to add I am not a doctor, and therefore always seek qualified medical advice.