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Day 6

Last night started of bad, the usual sleeplessness, irritation, itchiness, feeling sick and run down. Scalp is the worst in terms of discomfort. Took paracetamol at 03:00, have been drinking lots of liquids. Then after midnight slept for about 4 hours which was great. Was hungry throughout the night which I guess is a good thing if I still have a healthy appetite Been drinking lots water and juice too.

This morning had breakfast downstairs, then decided to shower instead of a bath. The lukewarm water was great on the scalp and I also used a baby shampoo to gently wash my hair. The pox are all still yellowish with many now forming crusty yellowish scabs. More smaller reddish poxes (is that a real word?) are appearing on legs and arms with very small boils in centre but (maybe hopeful thinking) not at an accelerated rate as before.

12:40 Haven't taken paracetamol since early this morning. Haven't felt that bad except for the usual itchiness. Less tingling on skin all over too. Current body temp. 37.6C (99.6F) [Normal body temp. is 37C / 98.6F]

Haven't taken any more anti-histamines but may tonight if this scalp discomfort continues.

13:10 Cough still here but not too bad. Throat sore when I swallow.

19:45 Had a busy afternoon on the phone with work and clients, and also had chicken soup and rolls for lunch and dinner. Haven't taken any pain killers today and felt good. Current body temp. is 37.7C (99.8F). I think I will take a paracetamol before bed. Scalp is very itchy and uncomfortable. Not sure if there have been many new spots or not, haven't noticed any. Hopefully I can sleep a bit better tonight. Will wash face with cold water and flannel, and also dry placing a cold flannel on scalp for some relief before sleeping. Sting still tingling a little on face think it is to do with scabs. Been having freshly home squeezed juices whole time been sick, eating well and drinking lots water. Hopefully its helping the immune system win the war against this terrible virus.

21:00 Body Temp 37.4C (99.4F)


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