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Day 123

The scars are slowly fading, some have disappeared. One or two actually look permanent. Most of my scars that remained were on my face. The ones on my body have pretty much gone. I have one or two craters on my face, the scar colouring has gone from them, guess they are permanent too. Still keeping to my regime of Mederma cream during the day and BioOil before bed (Please seek your own medical advice). Most people I bump into these days say I look a lot better than I did earlier this year so thats good.


Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for your post! We are experiencing it.
Doc said…
Dear anonymous, I hope you get through it soon. When you are down with chicken pox it feels like it will never end, but it does, hang in there!
Anonymous said…
They say the older you get chicken pox, the worse it's gonna be, and i'm 33. I was googling and i found this blog, i am at my 19th day and the scars on my face is bad, really bad. I found out about mederma at another site and was happy abt it till i saw your "Day 123" post. Looks like i'm not going on a date any soon with this girl i just met on the net. Oh boy 100+ more days to go.
Doc said…
To Anonymous

Don't worry too much. We are all different, some people get chickenpox as an adult and have no scars within a few weeks. I was a little unlucky. My scars have almost vanished and can only be seen when you look closely. Have faith all will be well very soon, I am sure!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much...very helpful.I am in my 2nd of 'pox',unbeleivable pain and my face looks like it could win an oscar on a sci fi film day....Just cannot beleive it..really cannot....39 yrs old man....The pain!!
Anonymous said…
Hey man, how is your scars doing? I posted awhile back on June 17, now it has been 60days since my chicken pox. Scars are still there on my face, 2 craters and abt 8 others are flat. You should be at around day 200 now? I hope it's gone.
Doc said…
Anonymous, thanks for your post. Have one large crater on cheek, and one or two smaller ones dotted around. They are not scared just cratered. The other scars are very very faint, so in some light you can't see them other times they are visible but as I said very faint. I am guessing that this is probably as good as it gets. I have pretty much stopped using the Mederma and Bio-oil and only use them occasionally. Hope you heal quickly! Hang in there.
Anonymous said…
Yeah i hope it heal fast! I went to skin clinic, the doc prescribed me Triluma. So far it has been few days, cant really tell if there is any difference.
Kathy Garolsky said…
Great post.I'm looking forward to see more of your great post..Thanks..
Unknown said…
Hello there i have a chicken fox scars since i was 7 yrs old and now i am 20's i wish that this Bio Oil helps me to heal my scars,even before i am feel embarassed about this especilly on my legs, i can't wear short shorts, skirt or dress because of this,i was starting using this last week, i hope after a couple of months using this my scars will be fade. 🙏

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