Well, over the course of the last few weeks since I last posted all the scabs on my body have fallen off. No marks left from the ones from the body just faint pink ones for some spots. However, when the scabs fell of face, they were pink first now gone brown, so have all these brown blemishes over face. Dr says they should fade but will take a very long time! He said immediate solution could be laser treatment, but will wait and see. Shaved the beard off few days ago which is great but reveals more brown spots so growing stubble back. Been rubbing BioOil at night, and Dr suggested I use Mederma few times a day [Please seek your own medical advice]. One lymph node still a little swollen, Dr said it will probably stay like that but to keep an eye on it. Still had a few scabs on scalp, almost all gone.
A good night sleep, took no pain killers before bed. Felt pretty good most of day. A slight cough. Scalp and face mildly itchy but largely scabbing over now. Few yellow liquid filled boils on body, they were the late comers. Still spending time in bed relaxing. Had a shower, washed hair with baby shampoo, but body with water. After shower filled sink with warm water, and add Olay mild face wash and dabbed face lightly using a flannel. Felt great after. Lots people giving advice not to pick or scratch the scabs or they will scar. Whenever I get a itch that's unbearable i gently touch the spot and itch usually goes away.
I was really worried at what age did
you had it and when did the sore throat got over???
The sore throat didnt last that long. Cant remember exactly when it went. I was in my mid-thirties when I had it... hope you get better soon.
I'm at about day 14 now. All the scabs have formed but they are reluctant to fall off. I've been taking lukewarm baths every day to accelerate the process without scarring. Some scabs have fallen off of my face but like you, a little bit of discoloration remains.
Severe sore throat was over by day 7 or so (as a response to a poster above).
Best of luck to anyone else reading this thread! Hope you're not a bachelor like myself - it's tough to remain in quarantine alone!
Dude i am a bachelor and 29th was the day i was diagnosed with chicken pox....i am now onto my 6th day...all alone....and not sure for how many more...it sucks..
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